Mission & Values

We center our mission and values in everything we do. Learn more about what that means to us.


Bocoup’s mission is to advocate for accessibility, inclusion, and justice on and through the web.


Our values guide our conduct with each other, with our customers and with the communities we are a part of. All of our consulting projects, open source projects, and community events are governed by the Bocoup Code of Conduct.


We check our privilege regularly and work to continually examine bias. We prioritize the inclusion and safety of marginalized people over the comfort of more privileged people. We enforce the Bocoup Code of Conduct and commit to addressing the characteristics of white supremacy culture internally, and within each project, organization and event that we participate in or serve.

Social Justice

We prioritize the safety and wellbeing of marginalized people over technical work, and take care to avoid technology solution making where civic process is more appropriate. We do not engage in projects that violate the Bocoup Code of Conduct, or otherwise harm marginalized people.

Respect for Diverse Expertise

We respect the expertise of other fields and primarily of the people using the software we work on. Software development is a valuable but limited expertise. It cannot substitute or qualify our firm to fill in for other knowledge necessary to increase inclusivity in the production of the web. Similarly within project teams at Bocoup, we treat all project participants with respect and expect the same in return.

Learning and Education

We look for opportunities to support new learners and create on ramps into our work. Similarly, we believe that to remain experts in our field, we must continuously learn through practice. Bocoup fosters a culture of question asking and encourages a learning mindset for our projects and team members.


We default to clear communication that doesn’t obfuscate relevant information. We document and share our work. We practice this in our company operations and with our customers.


We take pride in our work and dedicate ourselves to writing good software. We are thorough, and participate in rigorous code reviews. As an organization, we like to partner with those who feel similarly about the quality of their work, while maintaining a welcoming environment for beginners.

Service Orientation

We prioritize long term working relationships over short term value, and benefit to our customers over the bottom line. We are committed to improving the state of the projects we work on and teams we work with.