As we return from the holiday weekend, we’re giving thanks for the newest addition to the Bocoup team: Brian J Brennan!

Brian hails from New York City and joins us from the Mozilla Foundation, where he spent the last 3.916 years spearheading the Open Badges initiative and releasing a veritable cornucopia of open source libraries. He’s also been involved in the burgeoning NodeSchool movement, facilitating local events and crafting materials for the entire world to use. Brian’s also the co-founder of BrooklynJS, a meetup that’s helped revitalize the JavaScript community here in NYC and raised over $15,000 for ScriptEd in its first year.

If you’re reading this and thinking, “Sounds like the one thing he doesn’t have is ‘a ton of spare time,'” you’d be right! Brian’s also an accomplished musician, playing bass with shoegaze outfit Eastern Hollows, who released their first LP this past May. When he does get an idle moment, he enjoys relaxing with his cat and his first love, swords.

We’re all incredibly excited to have the opportunity to work alongside Brian to keep on building the open web. Explore his work on his GitHub, follow him on Twitter at @brianloveswords, go for a float on his river, or just come say hi at BrooklynJS!