We’re servo-ing up some great news today: our coop is embiggened once again, with Francis Gulotta joining Bocoup as Director of Web Connected Devices.

A lifelong New Yorker, Francis has spent his life immersed in building technology. He’s consulted for small businesses, schools, and startups on his own and at his agency, Wizard Development, served as VP of engineering at Levo, and led worldwide network operations at Highbridge Capital Management. All the while, he’s supported the burgeoning community building JavaScript-powered hardware with open source projects like node-serialport and by leading scads of in-person workshops to get folks started with Nodebots and Johnny-Five.

Francis has not only traveled the world to spread the word – only occasionally flying drones directly at the audience – but also recently completed the local “trifecta” of speaking at BrooklynJS, ManhattanJS, and QueensJS while running the NYC Nodebots meetup. We heartily encourage you to peruse his writings over at roborooter.com, and you can find him all over the internet, including popular “sites” like Twitter and GitHub, where he goes by the moniker reconbot.

We’re delighted to have Francis bring his leadership, experience building stellar engineering teams, and dedication to both customer and community to Bocoup, and we’re looking forward to developing our Web Connected Devices initiative together!