I’m thrilled today to announce the newest member of our burgeoning engineering squad is James Smith!

James comes to us from OneTwoSee, and we first became acquainted with James because of his work on the grunt-contrib suite of plugins. He’s also a member of the Marionette.js team. Once we saw that his profile picture depicted him holding a real live rooster, we knew he’d be a great fit here at Bocoup.

Amongst other pursuits, James enjoys illustrating, gaming, and helping people program. He does not, however, make socks.*

Shout him a holler on Twitter and take a gander at his website and GitHub. You can even come say hello to him in Boston at the Bocoup loft, but wait until he moves from Philadelphia!

* James and I have agreed that we should send a Bocoup sticker to anyone who figures out why this “joke” makes sense. Put your guesses in the comments.