With 2015 already 13% complete, it’s high time we announce the newest member of the Bocoup engineering team: Jim Vallandingham!

Jim’s a veteran world traveler who’ll be joining our data visualization practice from Seattle, WA, where he lives with his wife and children. He comes to us from the Nordstrom Data Lab and The Stowers Institute, where he’s spent the last few years analyzing and representing data on everything from fashion to bioinformatics. And in the true spirit of the Open Source community, he’s taken much of that experience and knowledge and turned it in to a wealth of D3 and data visualization tutorials, blog posts and talks for the community.

Outside of the Open Web, Jim enjoys both adventuring and flaneuring with his family, as well as eating as much seafood as possible now that he’s found himself living in a coastal city.

We’re really excited for Jim to be joining the team, and look forward to seeing what his next contributions to the field of data visualization on the Open Web will be! Be sure to check out his work on GitHub, follow him on Twitter, and check out his tutorials on his website!