Launching Test262 Results on MDN Web Docs
Rick Waldron, Valerie Young, and Seth Thompson - October 22nd, 2019We are excited to announce support for report embedding on, along with a new MDN collaboration to bring up-to-date information about ECMAScript feature conformance to MDN Web Docs. Starting today, you can view test results from Test262 Report, updated daily and embedded directly on MDN pages for the newest ECMAScript features where interoperability and […]
Glitching Scratch 3.0 on an Embedded Web Game Console
Today, we are excited to announce our partnership with JoyLabz, which began in 2017 and has centered around the development of a new game console called GameBender. JoyLabz, developers of Makey Makey and Drawdio, and founded by former Lifelong Kindergarten researcher Jay Silver, has been an incredible partner. We are excited to finally share the […]
Porting Scratch from Flash to JavaScript: Performance, Interoperability and Extensions
Corey Frang - February 28th, 2019Last year we formed a team focused on using the growing number of new web APIs to build multimedia applications that push the edge of the web platform. Our main work in this area over the last 2 years has been with the wonderful team behind Scratch at MIT’s Lifelong Kindergarten Group (LLK), and with […]
Adapter Pattern – A Must for Vendor & Service Integrations
Brendan McLoughlin - May 1st, 2018Software development is a costly process. Requirements need to be gathered, decisions need to be made, and resources need to be scheduled to write the software. All of these steps require an investment of time and money to get a feature to the point where it starts bringing value to a business. After the feature […]
Accessibility for Robots
Mike Pennisi - July 26th, 2017Maybe you’re not a “people person.” It’s not that you dislike other humans, but you recognize certain realities of your work. Your day job is maintaining a web application, after all, not carousing with your users. You know that accessibility is an important topic, but you haven’t been able to find the time to learn […]
Screencast Transcript: Improving Webpack Build Times
Matt Surabian - May 3rd, 2017On February 15, 2017 we had a screencast to talk about how to improve webpack build times by utilizing the new webpack HardSource plugin created by our colleague Z Goddard. This post contains the video of that event along with a transcript and visual aids. If you’re interested in learning more about webpack, check out […]
Webpack: A simple loader
Z Goddard - May 2nd, 2017A webpack loader is a Node module that tells webpack how to take some input content and transform it into output JavaScript. I often build one-off loaders to experiment or fulfill specific needs for projects—their most basic interface is simple, but can get a lot done. They can be pretty easy to follow and understand, […]
Using NVDA Screen Reader on Windows
Sue Lockwood - March 21st, 2017NVDA stands for NonVisual Desktop Access and is a FREE screen reading app for Windows OS. Emphasis on the “free”, as there are other Windows screen readers out there with prices that will make you spit-take across your monitor. (Is there such a thing as a subtweet inside a blog post?) If you do end […]
CSS Grid: Responsive and Accessibility
Susan Robertson - March 2nd, 2017Reflow your content with ease In the first post I wrote about my very first learnings with CSS Grid, I showed how I took a pattern I’ve used many times and reproduced it with a lot less code. After learning about how to do something simple, I started wondering about the other properties of CSS […]
CSS Grid: Design possibilities
Susan Robertson - February 24th, 2017As I started to learn about CSS Grid and the new base layout possibilities, I was struck by how much this changes things for design. I don’t think I’m alone in this, either: a search through CodePen reveals plenty of designers and developers thinking about this as well. There are so many new ways to […]