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  • A Git Workflow Walkthrough – Merging Pull Requests

    Jim Vallandingham - August 13th, 2015

    We are in the homestretch with our git workflow walkthrough. I knew we could do it! Last time, we looked at a few ways to review pull requests. In this final (for now!) installment, we will merge our reviewed changes back into master. Once your pull request reviewer is satisfied with the changes, you’ll get […]

  • A Git Workflow Walkthrough – Reviewing Pull Requests Locally

    Jim Vallandingham - August 3rd, 2015

    In many cases, a visual check of the changes via the PR page on GitHub is enough to give a +1 to changes. That’s how we did things in our previous walkthrough post. But sometimes, you want to try things out locally downloaded to your own machine to get a feel for what is really […]

  • A Git Workflow Walkthrough – Reviewing Pull Requests

    Jim Vallandingham - July 24th, 2015

    Last time, we looked at how using feature branches makes life easier, and how you would create a feature branch to make a change and push it up to GitHub for review in the form of a pull request. Now that a Pull Request is live, someone has to review it. Let’s walk through some […]

  • A Git Workflow Walkthrough – Feature Branches

    Jim Vallandingham - July 20th, 2015

    When it comes to learning Git, most folks I’ve talked to (myself included) have taken the slow and gentle path toward becoming proficient by adding it incrementally to their existing development processes. We begin by just running git init on an almost finished project and adding everything with a commit message such as start. Then, […]

  • Git Workflows For Successful Deployment

    Matt Surabian - May 7th, 2014

    One of the best parts about working at Bocoup is the freedom we have to explore ideas and open source projects. The diverse range of experience and interest we all bring to the table means there are always interesting open conversations taking place in the office; both about the implementation of specific ideas and the […]

  • Introducing Gith – GitHub WebHooks For Node

    Dan Heberden - September 18th, 2012

    GitHub offers a great feature called WebHook URLs. You can add a url to take advantage of git’s post-receive hook and get a POST request containing data related to a repository push (e.g., commits, tags, and head-resets). While the data is very detailed and thorough, its complexity and focus on mimicking the git operations make […]